Thursday 15 September 2011

Five minutes of my chosen 3 movies

A Cinderella Story
Just watching the first 5 mins of this I film I noticed many visual, aural, written language. The film starts with a visual image and aural background music which turns into the Warner Bros Pictures logo, then writing appears with an old fashion font. Then slowly a visual clip of a castle or palace appears along with the narrator whom is the main lead of the show, she introduces you to her story which seems typical at first but instant clip changes to a modern view of a girl and her father setting on hill top valley of San Fernando of which the narrator admits and here another slightly happy up beat music is played at the background. This carried on with many clips of this lil girl and her dad, their carry ride to her baseball game and at same time the narrator is guiding you the voice of this little girl captions also appear introducing the cast. You already get a hint of the genre because the movie’s title “A Cinderella Story”. And this already gives you an insight that its appealing audience is for young aged people mostly teenagers. Just like any fairy tale, Th movie begins with happy memories and then a sudden storm comes and destroys it completely changing life! Similarly in this movie the girl is all happy with her widowed dad whom she calls him her best friends, all is well till her step mum enters.  It shows how one night while she was talking with her dad in her bed while he was telling her a bed time story, she listens carefully as her dad tells her about his dreams for her and his advices for her toward life.  Never had she thought next moment she loses her best friend due to an earthquake and her world changes completely.  Her dad hadn’t left her any will and so her step mum gets s everything including her! Here it shows the lil girl going up the stairs into a little room and music is played. 
Soon sunrise and it’s a new day after few years and the little girl has grown up, becoming her steps mums’ maid.
I found this story very sweet as Cinderella has always been my favourite fairy tale cartoon, it about every girls dreams, their morals their journey in fulfilling these goals and standing for their rights.

3 idiots
This film starts with a black board as visual background and it a chalk starts to type in the name of the movie ‘3 idiots’ while this writing appears there also sound effect of the screeching of the chalk. Scene moves into the airport and inside it, instruction are being said by air hostess as background noise. The airplanes is about to set off and then a man is shown setting going through a book and his mobile rings. As he talks a suspense music plays at the back he answer “what?” at the same time the air hostess ask him to switch off his mobile but he carries his getting an important message and he want to cancel his flight immediately however he doesn’t how to stop this flight she he pretended to having a heart stroke! As the planes lands back for emergency medical service the man shown in a wheel chair and soon he sneaks open his eyes looking around then suddenly jumps off the wheel chair does a little exercise , stretching around and then says i am completely fine thank you guys go and i leave myself then runs out the airport, once his out he walks normally and takes someone and tells himself as one of the receivers of somebody deceives the driver and he asks the driver to take him to somewhere and speed up and then calls his friend. 

The scene moves to a ring phone in a house then someone peaks out his bed,  after receiving the phone he too get all excited and starts running about and dresses leaving the house without any pants, his wife whom was ding yoga ties warning him but his already left. He sets inside the car with his other friend and says to his friend that he forgot to bring his sucks his friend s laughs and says dude you not only forgot you r socks but your pants too. When they arrive at the a college both men run of the car the other tells the driver to go back to airport and get the right guys called Dillon, the scene shows the actual man worried where the collector has gone without him! Both men run crazily on a long 
steer and reach a terrace where they meet another man.

The film seemed to have a comedy genre, as it starts in a rush and already the audience is enjoying and entertained. The movie seems to be a very light and fun movie of 3 friends how the struggle to achieve their parent dream but through movie it tells a serious message to parents about not forcing you children into you r dream but rather accepting the talent and skill of which you children are born with and about their dream career.

Twilight too starts with an aural and visual language of an image n slowly but quite fast zooming instrument sound, the image changes on the screen and a logo appears of the production house name. The image disappears and a voice is start talking, slowly sounds of birds tweeting play and a clip of a jungle is show zooming into a little dear. The narrator is voice of girl, she talks about death and the clip starts to get gloomy and background music get louder as the girl finishes talking. A scary atmosphere is created. Something is now hunting the dear and it realises and quickly starts to running but whatever is following it is very fast, soon it the dear is caught a strong lit hits the screen and the clip is changed into a open greenery space where a girl is standing is reflecting her thought about not leaving her home and that she would miss phoenix, the heat (she starts moving) and scene changes to where she hugged and kissed by her mum and to which she says she will miss her (in her mind) and her new husband. As they are going to somewhere she has decided to go and spend some time with her dad. To which she’s hopes to be a good thing. 

A far screen shoot of the car is shown while her voice in the background as the car moves, music played background someone singing, a quick shot of her shown inside the care and then the scene is changed t an airplane setting off. deserted mounts are shown and then slowly an caption appear and then the name of the film, ‘twilight’ then it fades away and a high bridge is above the sea, going towards Washington. The girl voice appears again giving background information about the place she is going to be staying with her dad a town called fork, she is shown setting in the next to her dad on the high way. She introduces her dad Charlie and how his is the chief police. Lil bit of the surrounding is shown then it focuses back on the girl and her dad in the car and then Charlie starts a conversation by asking her about her haring being longer this time, she replies and soon this scene changes to where the car park Charlie house. The girl mention how she use to come to her dads house every summer for two weeks but it has been ages she hasn’t come. They unload their packing scene moves to inside her house to bedroom ad soon someone comes outside their house ad it Charlie’s friend and his son. Charlie has gifted his daughter a car , she introduced with the characters jack Charlie’s friends son who’s built the engine of her car.

So far everyone is introduced except the lead girl, the movie creates suspense already in audiences mind but drags to carry on watching, the genre is romance but in its dark movie and its fiction, about vampires. 

1 comment:

  1. Well done. Clearly lots of work and a strong attempt to get under the skin of the three films.

    I like the way you have included links for the reader, good practice to do this - consider if you could make this even better by embedding the code.
