Thursday 8 December 2011

Secret Diary of a Call Girl? Unfinished

How is the representation of disability created through the use of camera, editing sound and mise en scene in this clip from Secret Diary of a Call Girl? 

The very first shot of the clip is of tilted shot where the CG open the door and camera swags down showing Blake in the wheel chair this shows his disability and the adjustments CG has to make when addressing Blake. Also characterisation is key in the representation of disability this is done with medium long shot or view of point shot of the girl. this helps us to understand and identify her character and then it makes it easier to understand what she think about Blake. Her awkward and nervous facial expressions are delivered through her questioning Blake about everything almost offended him as if he doesn't  know anything. Also medium shots  of the surrounding including the upper and lower body however Blake is disabled this shows lack of body language is disadvantage in society 

Mise en scene
opening shot is wide and reveals wheelchair of central character(wheelchair is icon symbol of disability)
shot where he is partially undressed reveal his lack of ability todo simple tasks (shows that he must be treated as a child)
apartment doesn’t have ramps - has stairs - not suitable forwheelchair user (are wheelchair users regular clients?)
father’s distracted behaviour in the van reveals his discomfortwith the situation
-awkwardness of situation

Edit-shot transition from dad lifting blake to laying him on the bedreveals again his dependence on others.-jump cuts in van with father (shows what - anxiety of father whohas to let someone else help his son)-cuts between pov of flat and shots of father reveal his thoughtsand are confirmed by the actions in the van-time jumps through jump cuts also show us that he is waiting some time

Sound-call girl (CG) apologises when she has to move Blake (shows thatshe treats him like a child)-he says that he isn’t used to being touched, breaths heavily (allsuggests low self esteem, that his disability alienates him fromcommon experiences like being touched intimately)-non-diegetic sound at opening plays on reveal of character.-non-diegetic music begins towards end of scene when CG beginsto get intimate (starts with sound bridge from car scene)
-dialogue reveals father’s concern about what his some can do -CG and Blake both say email - indicates that Blake is notcompletely alienated from the world

-Blake has arranged this via email - shows that he wants and iscapable of having more freedom

Thursday 1 December 2011

How is ethnicity represented through camera, sound, mise en scene and editing in the clip from Hotel Babylon? UNFINISHED

There many ways you could find how the represention of ethnicity in clip of babylon. The clip starts with a medium shot of  a swimming bath where a old aged man is setting in a deck chair rapped in a white robe while a black young guy serving in a uniform, this represents the stereotypical represention of blacks as  always caterign whites, reminding of black slavery. the guy wearing a formal uniform which fits with the surrounding as his the staff thsi hotel, he gives the old man some sort of a booklet and then walks down the side of the swimming pool, his body language shown however isnt arepresentation you normally get shown of a black ethnicity, his stance and posture represents feminnity. as the man is walking, we see th ehotel background, being very grand and bold defining the sort customers it might recieve, just then another young black man climbs out of the pool wearing shorts with very bold, bright colours, sort of typical ghetto whom doesnt fit in with expectation of the sort of fitting customers expectation of this hotel. Seeing him gives shooks the man in the as it turns out to be one of his friends. the language of the his friend his unformal more of a slang unsuiting the hotel reputation. this makes the whole atmosphere unrealistic and changes as it they tryign to change the way of how we as audience expect to see black ethnicty in terms of how and where. beside th efriend being very cheary and relaxed the worker doesnt seemed to be interested in the information being passed to him by his friend the medium shot helps to indentify both characters personality. then we get a close shot the worker which helps to understand his character deeply by hsi facial expressions. the worker seems to be very disturbved but hidies his emotion by afake smiel to hsi friend, he certainly doesnt seem to want to share his true feelings to him, this represents the idea of what is expected in a black ethnical background and his situation is perhaps not acceptable in his background.

moving on with a quick transition we see two maids in medium shot carrying a chemical cleanary materials in it. they stop by a hotel room and as they speak we hear one the maid say "Monsieur" this helps us to identify their ethnicity being of a french maid. this also helps to understand and what to expect of the characters. they both enter the room where an old aged orental is shwon setting in the bed with a very eager gesture and expression of hisd face however he doesnt say anything just sort sighnals thigs through his facial expressions. He then plays the stereo with french music and th emaid start to takign of their clothings slowly, presonifying the stereotypical of french maids beign seen as sexy and attractive. th eorental man represents a more wealthy representation of the eastern ethnicity. his specs symbolises this very well, he a business man, he can afford his luxaries and manly desires.

we move on to two formal dressed pupil one a femal whom is dressed in short push dress, with blond hai9r while th eman is in a syuit they walking down and the man is talking the lady which gives a hint that she th emain leader and in charge of the this hotel, the enter th ekitchen where two chefs are shwo one short and bold with mustaches and a typical flirty personality, and th eother tall and fat but lookign rather british typical stereotyped. the short man seems very confident in hsi skill and audience with agree as he is identify that his a italian chef again this shows represent the idea that italians are always seen as good cheifs and quite flirticious in personality. the other man however seems very grumpy and very rude in terms of language, he seems to not have any patience and gets straight to point, outspoken and loud.

the use camera, sound and mise en scene and editing helps us to explore the how ethnicity is represented aandin what ways. the tuitle it self symbolises a place called 'the tower of Bable' this was a place where people of many different idealogies lived togwether with different thoughts and beliefs, suimilary audience by end will niotice the sense of mixed moprality beign represnted in this clip.

Monday 21 November 2011

Blackpool analysis Essay!

There are many aspect of this soap which signifies the representation of; age, relationship and family.
For example sound is one important Technic which represented age, relationships and family, be it conversations between the characters or natural surrounding objects and even footsteps. I observed the sound by listing them from the beginning and then drawing link to each representations. the obvious sound in the clip was the conversation that took place between the four characters, it showed the age, family and relationships. The father being loud, bold and blunt confirmed his age, as he had little control which suggested that his on verge of old age and has sort of lost his maturity and control over his emotions, thoughts and feelings. However it also represented family and relationship because he was either protective of his daughter as a father or wanted to be showing, weak relationships. The mother however was calm and more soothing representing family and relationship as she tried her hard to understand the situation and then balance  the family and relationships, working as bridge between the father and daughter. the parent both worked as a team which again showed a stronger relationship between the  two both had equal say and understood each other. other surrounding object sounds such the foot steps, slam of the door and even the breathing, was signifying the emptiness and awkwardness of of this family and their relationship.

moving on to the camera and how each shot defined the representation of age, family and relationship. A shot medium shot showed body languages and the characters expressions which they did to emote their emotions and feeling and thoughts. The long shot of the four characters standing together that including the furniture of the house, gave a lot meaning, the perfectness, and the colours used where also signifying age, family and relationship, white symbolising pureness, innocent and the love which was perhaps strong form the parent. On the other hand the very first shot was crane or rising shot which showed the age as the furniture's of the house where expensive suggesting a well established couple or family, this would mean experience which represents age. The angles of these shot where quite interesting because at times the daughter and her boyfriend's medium shot included both the couple in the frame however it only showed one of the each of the parent, either mum or the dad. this suggests the relationship differed from one another. The costume is another thing that helped represent age, family and relationships, there was a contrast in representation of age between the parent and the daughter with boyfriend as the parent wore a more bright young colours that coordinated with each other unlike the daughter with boyfriend who dressed in darker, dull matured colours.

the editing connects the mise en scene as overall presentation  of the clip and it way of defining age, family and relationship. lighting would be something that is played with to reveal characters, their expressions and emotions, this helps audience to understand them and define the representation of age, family and relationships. The mise en scene again the character way of dressing up, their makeup and hairstyle all showed the representation of age contrasting between the two generation couples, the parents and the daughter with her partner.the colours contrasted but it also showed relationship appearing different, the relationship being strong within the couples but weak as a family.

Friday 18 November 2011

Primeval Analysis Unfinished

While watching this clip straight away I could see that gender was representated by a number of things shown in the mise en scene. characters personality where shown by their costumes and the role they played. the form of the narrative was a basic usual structure, like any story or narrative in a film, but the genre could be guess by the action codes released. it was based on adventures theme, a sort detective team. however the director used both active and passive to create meaning throughly. camera shots made audience recognise who is the the main prespective leader or protagonist in by the end the clip, through verbal and non verbal languages. these made the film more interesting as story unfolded. gender representationw as quite manupilated and it seemed liek they played on how gender is precieved by the audience first they changed th ewhoel convention of or stereotypical view of gender roles, eg the women in the team far more sufisticated and mopre manly because the sort job she carried out her costume, her attitude, the sort of props she used, she seemed to use her mind rather than panic and helped the hero being saved, which normally, it shown that the protagonist or hero saving the girl form the trouble. the hero in the other hand semed more casual and calm, although the beginning outbreak of the danger or action code the film, it may have seemed that he didnt have the characteristic of a hero but as he brought attention fo the tiger towards him to save the girl it seemed obvious that he isn't coward but brave hero. in the second half the other women was repersented as the typical women with attractive dressing sense manipulative, blackmailing but at the end very weak physically. her short dress, high heels and and red lipstick gave audience a very steroitypical image of this women unlike how th efirst women with short hair, leather jacket almost army kind look with rough style gave revolutionary image of a women. now all this was given by th euse of lights, camera shots, visual aspect, aural aspects of the film. the use of shots made audience define the main protagonist, while lighting helped us to iunderstand the semiotic aspects. the visual aspect being shown both passively through the roles each characters protrayed. the Aural language was interesting

Tuesday 8 November 2011

9 Frame Analysis of Down With Love

1) The very first shot is of a birds eye view of America the city of dreams. the equilibrium is show through the use the colour blue giving a sense of calmness. The clouds however kind of make it look foggy, symbolising something is hidden, a mystery as an enigma code. the genre, target audience, and the narrative whether linear or multi-stranded couldn't be defined as of yet

2) In this mise en scene (frame) you could see a crowds people walking in different direction, their costume worn are all of sort dark pale colours which again seems to be acting as enigma code a hidden mystery. Amongst them however, is one lady whom is dressed light pink coat and white hat she sorts defines the action code or perhaps brings the disequilibrium within this scene. the colours of her costume also signify purity and innocence which could mean she is not antagonist but rather the protagonist. Also the position of the her is quite far at the back but she could be spotted very easily and not lost in the crowd. this suggest she places an important role in the film.

3) now in this shot she is front of the crowd which suggest that she overcomes the possible problems and fights through the crowd to make her own position and status. The smile on her face could symbolize her confident and also could suggest a success she gained already.

4) Here in the frames left hand side you could see a row of taxes with the traffic man on the right side on the pavement with crowd behind him. theres one lade quite behind the traffic man whom has her arm up waving to the taxi which could suggest that she either has or hasn't gained attention.

5)in this shot there bunch of people standing on the pavement that seem to be protesting about something, which suggest an enigma code a mystery which we aren't aware as of yet. they all are young aged people, this could symbolise struggle of their aged group in the society or community they come from, the taxi passing them symbolises that not everyone thinks the same as these bunching protesting. it could be the action code of this scene breaking the equilibrium into a disequilibrium.

6) Here the collapse of these people does define some sort of action code that took place bringing a new equilibrium to the whole even or situation. the gas on the road also could define an action code the colour of costume and designs of it already hints of a early period film done in colour the look is different.

7) the women is standing side way in the left hand side of the frame, it an medium close up shot of her side view. her facial expression define a enigma code as audience doesn't know what is reason behind a smile which creates mystery. she looks like she reached a goal or destination she was longing for.

8)the mise en scene quite interesting  a bunch of people situated at middle of frame. you could some sort tension building up.

9) in this shot the disequilibrium is shown how the ladies situation is changed the atmosphere from complete quite into a crowded of people, she struggle to fight her situation however is unable.

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Preliminary Exercise Evaluation

We  weren't very sure exactly what to do with our preliminary exercise at first we had a basic idea in terms of story but jessica had a very creative mind in terms of visualizing the shoot so explained her ideas and we loved it.  We then made our story board and decided who's doing what in our group who's acting in front camera and whom behind. However when we started actually shooting the first scene it wasn't working or actress Selina tried her best but it just didn't work seemed as we were not able explain what exactly we wanted her to do or maybe she couldn't understand of get the emotions correct so I stepped in and shot and it turned out correct I managed to understand what Liousa and Jessica our camera women wanted in this scene I shoot and they loved it. so I swapped my role with Selina and carried on shooting it was great fun while shoot and then we kept going over each scene and discussing whether it was suited or not. we finished on time and then came back to start editing, we learned some new new technics of editing which sir explain to us.

We all contributed equally taking part in editing even if it meant one of us just used the mouse. we learned that sound is very important in terms of making our clip more smoother. I personally learned a lot of new things whether it was acting with full understanding what producer and director view, getting the depth of what wanted of me in each shoot then reviewing my performance critically. I also learned and understood camera work more better while working practically with camera.

Safety hazards is another thing we learned in process of shooting because it can create huge problem and waste time. but if you layout thing correctly and securely things go much smoother.

I am very happy with the finished product if we had more time yes, there was definitely more room for improvement but overall it was done very nicely.
It is important that you great team work in what ever you you and be active and dedicated in your area, my team were amazing to work with, we seemed to have a bonding instantly and understood each other very well.

Thursday 27 October 2011

"Submarine Film" Activities

Before Viewing: 

  • music video have special sort effect as the videos tends to match to the music tempo often and they are like a mini film almost within, the space of time it tells a story  and tends to be very creative and up beat. if this technique is carried out in a film then it makes it more interesting visually even if its narrative is not as interesting.
  • recent one movie that popped up my head which is related is star-wars movie which looks sort of similar to 

After Viewing: 
The Voice over and the Narrative:
  • The effects achieved by having Oliver speak directly to audience through voiceover is that it gives out his thought his intention, his emotions we, as audience can understand him better.
  • to a certain there is a gap between what Oliver tell us about himself and what we see because his his decision and intention vary from what he ends up doing the reaction he gets isn't necessarily what he intended to get in the first place.
The Voiceover and Literature:
  • I do feel like the film was quite literary, feeling like an adaptation of a book mainly because of the voiceover which sounded like a diary entry of a book, where character conveys his or hers emotions and thoughts
Seriousness, Comedy and the Voiceover:
  • To an extend I did feel the film's comedy came from from tension between what Oliver says he understood through his voiceover and what he actually understood. because often he thought he could handle the situation based on his understanding but cause he had misinterpretation this created comedy.
Submarine, Welshness and British and Britishness
  • One of the romantic sequence in the film was shot at industrial landscape, which is shot very beautiful making the ordinary look extraordinary it was one scene that I got attracted keep my directory thoughts on, `i think the use lighting, camera shot and angles made look special as it did, especially because it was shot at night time.
  • I think it really depends on the narrative or story of the film, but keeping that in mind target audience is very important too in terms advertising and success therefore, it important to give the feeling of belonging and link to audience through location you choose to shoot.

Monday 26 September 2011

My Film Idea

Title: Destiny Calls 

This story is about a famous actor Ali and his fan Shazia . Shazia is from a loving yet a conservative family, she has always found her happiness in her family's will, however she is a dreamer. she knows her boundaries but never stops dreaming. her life is affected by her faith, culture and family. like any ordinary girl she always dreamed of her prince charming, therefore she loves watching, reading about love story. she becomes a big fan of a famous actor Ali, his a romantic hero, his charming looks makes Shazia fall in love with him unpredictably. But she knows her love story could not happen as Ali is  already a committed man,  he has a girlfriend. 

Shazia is teacher but has great passion for dancing, she often uses this passion to remove her tiredness and stress to relieve the pain of one sided love. she respects her family and has strong values. she agrees that nobody gets everything in this world. but she also strongly believes in destiny and if something is written in fate its bound to happen.

While Ali being a famous actor is unlike his onscreen characters he has played. In real life his down to earth with a very nice nature and chilled out personality. his mature and does everything with dignity. his has a lot freedom in live his independent, rich, and famous but he is also loving son to his mother. he lives with her and has a girl whom is also an actress whom he meet in a party became friends and gradually fell in love with her and they both are loved as couple by lots of people. having dated with girlfriend for 5 years, he still hasn't confirmed his marriage. 

But destiny has it plan for them and this story is about how these two soul are combined as one by fate. how they both meet and how Ali too falls in love with Shazia unknowingly. then the story goes through major tests. how will they accept and tell each other of their feelings? will Shazia be able to persuade her parent? will Ali and Shazia be together?

This a love story of actor Ali and his FAN Shazia, two complete different people will be combined as one in love by destiny.

Shazia will be played by a the Indian Bollywood actress Preity Zinta

Ali will be played by Indian Bollywood Superstar ShahRukh Khan

Beginning 2 minutes: 

The scene will start in Switzerland, destiny will colloid the two people Shazia and Ali. Shazia is gone there for a school trip while Ali for movie shoot.
The scene will be where both have just arrive to Switzerland and gone to the hotel where both are staying and they pass each other unaware of each other...Shazia sense him but then she thinks that might be her illusion. Here both characters get introduce starting with Shazia and then Ali, their background is told by a narrator voice.

Thursday 22 September 2011

Se7en - the opening

this movie si mistery, physicological thriller sort, as starts with a very thrilling creepy, audio at the backgrund and straight a away a clip fo a books with someone flipping th pages are shown. the black background with writng appreas introducing the casting, each clip changes with similar blackgroung and th wwriting, each time creepy unusual misterious clips are shown even the music study but has a beat and a rythm it follow but extra sound effect are put in liek the scretching noise, the clip camera show and angle changes th eman in the clip is only revlied through his hand and nothing else he seems to be busy making a bok, and this is shown his cutting pasting,, writng bt a razor is show where he is peeling bits of his finger tip skin, his wearing a bandage in his fingers. he doesnt seem to be a normal human beign possibly has some sort of phsyicolagical problem. in the process of book making he also marks someones face black with a marer in a photo. the film is already very intersting for audience it catches the eye but is very misterious.

Touch of Evil 1958 - Opening scene

the clip straight away start with writitng appearing liek credits but coming ip, the normal sized font in white colour. then a quote or speech appreas on the screen by orsen welles. then a old clip appreas in black white with a music loud introducing a production logo, then th efil starts a new music that a has rtythmic beat, wand a man is shown playing with a machine in his hand, the man is not completely revlied jus his middle body with hands , soon clip aparts on a side where a corner of street or alley sort of way is whon and two people walking and a women salughing in a very unusual way. the pass on the side and this man with machine is his hand is whon running all of a sudden in a hurry due to this you cannot see his face properly. the man reaches th ecar park before them and bput the machine that ow is certain to be a bomb in the boot of the car. and run away witth the couple noticing. the couple set in th ecar and raom off, here a manother music is played that sound like jazz music. Already the film looks liek the 1960s time. while this couple in the are goign another couple is shown crossing th esimilir raod while walking. the  takes on this couple for a while and then you see the couple in th ecar justbehind these two walking. walking couple enter a hotel ground behind are the couple in the car, the coupel start to talk as the enter the gate where they asked question yy the gate keeper, then th ecar come s the coupel in the car ask, could go in to walking coupel as they are in the way, the man replies then as the go to the side th ecar passes the girl in the car says she could hear a tiking noise nobody pays attention to here, the camera moves to walking couple they kiss and then suddenly the sound of th ebomb blasting, the coupel are shocked turn around the man starts walking toward the incident and hs wife beind, he tells her he has to sort this out and tells her to stay away safely, in the hotel and wait to come.
this move seems to be cfi type but tolder version, the wanting to sort this seems to a police officers perhaps. but so far the is a bore this targeted to a certain audience otherwise it okay in terms of filming.

How does a film get made, who is involved and what are their jobs?

Film making is said to be  a very complexed business there are several process that underplace for a fillm to be made., from the idea, to writing, scripting, financing, casting, crew, prep, shoot, post etc. Even the experienced professionals struggle to understand how all the various parts of the filmmaking process fit together.

 What doe sa director do?
A director is someone whoo can visualise the script and make it reality, as they know how to take a story and put onto screen

what comes first, script or finance?
finance comes first as it producer need money to develop or make a script.

How can casting help to get the film made?
the cast do help to get the film made, the actor or star atre commercial asses that are crucial in attract funding to a film.

Who is responisble for marketing?
it is the producers respiblitiy for marketing, by secure the service of  a sales agent whom is a specialist in film sales

Where do ideas for a film come from?
Idea could come form an source of inspiration be, it the newspaper, a book, a film, a simple conversation or even dream.

How does a film, reach the right audience?
the film reaches the right audience through a screening which given by the producer and director.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Bullet Boy - opening

the film starts with an audio ad visual clip introducing the BBC Films production logo, which fades and another visual clip appears of  UK Film council logo, then as this fades writting appear with simple font and size prouding us to the film information the cast, the producers, directors, names appreas with black visual background and new audio music is played as this happens, then slowly the film fades in with pitch darkeness and this little boy is shown with a torch, that fades a white background is shown with the name of the film in simple middle sized font. soon this fades in a clip which is first zoomed into a glass window of a door to a room with blurry person at the inside it, soon the focus onto whom is laying on a bed or something ad then you hear someone open the room goes into the man, soon it clear that the room is a cell room in a police station where the man was a prison whom is out now and the steps out as a lady opens his and tell him to go to the counter where he's sorted with two police officers asking for his personal details. he is told to grab his bag and go, then the clip changes to hanother man driving and his lights his ciggrette. he notices that something is inside the back of his car in the boot area, he swears, stops the car to go and check. he stunned open to see a young boy with auniform on, he is really annoyed asks why he here the boy tell him he wants to see, his brother, driver doesnt agree tell him to go hoe boy points out he doesnt even know where he is, the drivers leaves him ad goes, the boy is super irritated, a few second th eman comes back reversing his car and tell the boy to get inside a car and ride off to the police station to collect the man who was comign out. here you can see that te man who was drving knows the little boy as he is the little boys brothers friend whom was the prisoner that comes out now. the little boy hugs his brother and ride off again.. soon the 3 are shown in some deserted corner near high or a farm, the boys are smoking while the little just wondering , the driver boy leaves for some while and the two others start a conversation about what his missed some personal queston he asks about a girl , he asks whether his brother took the responsiblity that he gave to keep an eye on the girl, he not satisfied with brother doing it properly. her then asks why his brother was in th eboot and tell him not to d that again the little boy promise so.

so far the film is quite confusing audience cannot be sure whom its targeted for, the boys are all black guys. some sort of criminal action packed it seems form the title, the whther seems to be summer season by the clips show so far. overal its a misterious, confusing but interesting film.

City of God- opening

This clip start with a very jolly upbeat music and camera shot are very fast and keep moving, again there knifes being sharpened, things being cooked, the people shown are having fun dancing with the then then it shows chickens being killed and cooked one by one, it focuses on one, whom see everything that happens to the chicken being killed. he tries best and actually run away someone notices and chase for life beings as the chicken keeps running for its life and a bunch boys behind it.

Delicatessen intro Analysis
the clip starts with a foggy scene of a deserted place then moves on into a restaurant slowly zooming inside. the the sound or aural language is very weary, creepy, it actually sounds like the wind but it slightly gets  loud. the scene moves on into a kitchen where a man is sharpening his huge knife, again the surrounding is very silent the only thing you can hear is the the knife being sharpen. the man clearly seems to be a butcher. the camera zooms passed is head into the wall where there is a whole pipe, the sound of the knife sharpening suddenly get sharper, louder and it echoes through the pipe sounding very creepy and scary. at the other end of the pipe another man is standing whom is listening to the butcher sharpening his knifes. the man seems really terrified, his sweating, bandaging, he dresses up and gopes down to see what loading from the van. the butcher watching bin being unloaded, then it shows the man inside waiting, until his picked up and soon butcher see him inside the bin and chops his head. the camera inside the bin is very interesting as all you can see is his eyes moving around.

Thursday 15 September 2011

Five minutes of my chosen 3 movies

A Cinderella Story
Just watching the first 5 mins of this I film I noticed many visual, aural, written language. The film starts with a visual image and aural background music which turns into the Warner Bros Pictures logo, then writing appears with an old fashion font. Then slowly a visual clip of a castle or palace appears along with the narrator whom is the main lead of the show, she introduces you to her story which seems typical at first but instant clip changes to a modern view of a girl and her father setting on hill top valley of San Fernando of which the narrator admits and here another slightly happy up beat music is played at the background. This carried on with many clips of this lil girl and her dad, their carry ride to her baseball game and at same time the narrator is guiding you the voice of this little girl captions also appear introducing the cast. You already get a hint of the genre because the movie’s title “A Cinderella Story”. And this already gives you an insight that its appealing audience is for young aged people mostly teenagers. Just like any fairy tale, Th movie begins with happy memories and then a sudden storm comes and destroys it completely changing life! Similarly in this movie the girl is all happy with her widowed dad whom she calls him her best friends, all is well till her step mum enters.  It shows how one night while she was talking with her dad in her bed while he was telling her a bed time story, she listens carefully as her dad tells her about his dreams for her and his advices for her toward life.  Never had she thought next moment she loses her best friend due to an earthquake and her world changes completely.  Her dad hadn’t left her any will and so her step mum gets s everything including her! Here it shows the lil girl going up the stairs into a little room and music is played. 
Soon sunrise and it’s a new day after few years and the little girl has grown up, becoming her steps mums’ maid.
I found this story very sweet as Cinderella has always been my favourite fairy tale cartoon, it about every girls dreams, their morals their journey in fulfilling these goals and standing for their rights.

3 idiots
This film starts with a black board as visual background and it a chalk starts to type in the name of the movie ‘3 idiots’ while this writing appears there also sound effect of the screeching of the chalk. Scene moves into the airport and inside it, instruction are being said by air hostess as background noise. The airplanes is about to set off and then a man is shown setting going through a book and his mobile rings. As he talks a suspense music plays at the back he answer “what?” at the same time the air hostess ask him to switch off his mobile but he carries his getting an important message and he want to cancel his flight immediately however he doesn’t how to stop this flight she he pretended to having a heart stroke! As the planes lands back for emergency medical service the man shown in a wheel chair and soon he sneaks open his eyes looking around then suddenly jumps off the wheel chair does a little exercise , stretching around and then says i am completely fine thank you guys go and i leave myself then runs out the airport, once his out he walks normally and takes someone and tells himself as one of the receivers of somebody deceives the driver and he asks the driver to take him to somewhere and speed up and then calls his friend. 

The scene moves to a ring phone in a house then someone peaks out his bed,  after receiving the phone he too get all excited and starts running about and dresses leaving the house without any pants, his wife whom was ding yoga ties warning him but his already left. He sets inside the car with his other friend and says to his friend that he forgot to bring his sucks his friend s laughs and says dude you not only forgot you r socks but your pants too. When they arrive at the a college both men run of the car the other tells the driver to go back to airport and get the right guys called Dillon, the scene shows the actual man worried where the collector has gone without him! Both men run crazily on a long 
steer and reach a terrace where they meet another man.

The film seemed to have a comedy genre, as it starts in a rush and already the audience is enjoying and entertained. The movie seems to be a very light and fun movie of 3 friends how the struggle to achieve their parent dream but through movie it tells a serious message to parents about not forcing you children into you r dream but rather accepting the talent and skill of which you children are born with and about their dream career.

Twilight too starts with an aural and visual language of an image n slowly but quite fast zooming instrument sound, the image changes on the screen and a logo appears of the production house name. The image disappears and a voice is start talking, slowly sounds of birds tweeting play and a clip of a jungle is show zooming into a little dear. The narrator is voice of girl, she talks about death and the clip starts to get gloomy and background music get louder as the girl finishes talking. A scary atmosphere is created. Something is now hunting the dear and it realises and quickly starts to running but whatever is following it is very fast, soon it the dear is caught a strong lit hits the screen and the clip is changed into a open greenery space where a girl is standing is reflecting her thought about not leaving her home and that she would miss phoenix, the heat (she starts moving) and scene changes to where she hugged and kissed by her mum and to which she says she will miss her (in her mind) and her new husband. As they are going to somewhere she has decided to go and spend some time with her dad. To which she’s hopes to be a good thing. 

A far screen shoot of the car is shown while her voice in the background as the car moves, music played background someone singing, a quick shot of her shown inside the care and then the scene is changed t an airplane setting off. deserted mounts are shown and then slowly an caption appear and then the name of the film, ‘twilight’ then it fades away and a high bridge is above the sea, going towards Washington. The girl voice appears again giving background information about the place she is going to be staying with her dad a town called fork, she is shown setting in the next to her dad on the high way. She introduces her dad Charlie and how his is the chief police. Lil bit of the surrounding is shown then it focuses back on the girl and her dad in the car and then Charlie starts a conversation by asking her about her haring being longer this time, she replies and soon this scene changes to where the car park Charlie house. The girl mention how she use to come to her dads house every summer for two weeks but it has been ages she hasn’t come. They unload their packing scene moves to inside her house to bedroom ad soon someone comes outside their house ad it Charlie’s friend and his son. Charlie has gifted his daughter a car , she introduced with the characters jack Charlie’s friends son who’s built the engine of her car.

So far everyone is introduced except the lead girl, the movie creates suspense already in audiences mind but drags to carry on watching, the genre is romance but in its dark movie and its fiction, about vampires. 

"Understanding the media is vital to modern life"

Media has been around from a long time in one form or another, however during this very recent it has changed and become vital for everyday life especially with the development of internet. The purpose of media is to inform, educate and entertain to us.  Internet allows us to communicate with people all the way at the other end of the world, with social networks such as Facebook, twitter, messenger etc. This is a very cheap way for people to stay in touch with their family and friends around the world. It is also a platform for people to express their ideas, feelings and concerns. With the ongoing of time, the impacts of media have increased vastly to the extent that now Media can also control us in today’s modern society.

Media plays part in day to day activities such phones, emails, shopping and social sites.  Day by day we are becoming more dependent on media and it soured of knowledge. Media has helped us to be aware of the world around from local level to global level, everything can be found through internet and it’s easy and accessible. Business use media such TV, phones and social sites to Market and advertise their product. 

The good thing about media is that it caters all aged people, it useful to teachers, students, doctors and even old people. For example old age people can use to help them in their daily routines such as shopping online even mothers whom are busy or working can shop online instead of having to go out. Young people could use it in helping them to achieve their best in their education. Anybody could use it to entertain themselves by listening to news, favourite music or simple reading through eBook rather having than having to go to a library and get a book.  

Like everything in this world media has its positive and negative effects. Many argue that media is ruining the traditional lifestyle of socialising by going out or communicating with your family. However it has also helped to be aware of huge threatening problem of global warming. Media becoming something that we cannot hide from neither can we ignore it? It’s therefore vital in our lives.  I personally think that everything has its positivity and negativity it depends to how one uses it, if you use it will you will profit from it and if you make a mess then you will lead yourself into a problem.