Thursday 8 December 2011

Secret Diary of a Call Girl? Unfinished

How is the representation of disability created through the use of camera, editing sound and mise en scene in this clip from Secret Diary of a Call Girl? 

The very first shot of the clip is of tilted shot where the CG open the door and camera swags down showing Blake in the wheel chair this shows his disability and the adjustments CG has to make when addressing Blake. Also characterisation is key in the representation of disability this is done with medium long shot or view of point shot of the girl. this helps us to understand and identify her character and then it makes it easier to understand what she think about Blake. Her awkward and nervous facial expressions are delivered through her questioning Blake about everything almost offended him as if he doesn't  know anything. Also medium shots  of the surrounding including the upper and lower body however Blake is disabled this shows lack of body language is disadvantage in society 

Mise en scene
opening shot is wide and reveals wheelchair of central character(wheelchair is icon symbol of disability)
shot where he is partially undressed reveal his lack of ability todo simple tasks (shows that he must be treated as a child)
apartment doesn’t have ramps - has stairs - not suitable forwheelchair user (are wheelchair users regular clients?)
father’s distracted behaviour in the van reveals his discomfortwith the situation
-awkwardness of situation

Edit-shot transition from dad lifting blake to laying him on the bedreveals again his dependence on others.-jump cuts in van with father (shows what - anxiety of father whohas to let someone else help his son)-cuts between pov of flat and shots of father reveal his thoughtsand are confirmed by the actions in the van-time jumps through jump cuts also show us that he is waiting some time

Sound-call girl (CG) apologises when she has to move Blake (shows thatshe treats him like a child)-he says that he isn’t used to being touched, breaths heavily (allsuggests low self esteem, that his disability alienates him fromcommon experiences like being touched intimately)-non-diegetic sound at opening plays on reveal of character.-non-diegetic music begins towards end of scene when CG beginsto get intimate (starts with sound bridge from car scene)
-dialogue reveals father’s concern about what his some can do -CG and Blake both say email - indicates that Blake is notcompletely alienated from the world

-Blake has arranged this via email - shows that he wants and iscapable of having more freedom

Thursday 1 December 2011

How is ethnicity represented through camera, sound, mise en scene and editing in the clip from Hotel Babylon? UNFINISHED

There many ways you could find how the represention of ethnicity in clip of babylon. The clip starts with a medium shot of  a swimming bath where a old aged man is setting in a deck chair rapped in a white robe while a black young guy serving in a uniform, this represents the stereotypical represention of blacks as  always caterign whites, reminding of black slavery. the guy wearing a formal uniform which fits with the surrounding as his the staff thsi hotel, he gives the old man some sort of a booklet and then walks down the side of the swimming pool, his body language shown however isnt arepresentation you normally get shown of a black ethnicity, his stance and posture represents feminnity. as the man is walking, we see th ehotel background, being very grand and bold defining the sort customers it might recieve, just then another young black man climbs out of the pool wearing shorts with very bold, bright colours, sort of typical ghetto whom doesnt fit in with expectation of the sort of fitting customers expectation of this hotel. Seeing him gives shooks the man in the as it turns out to be one of his friends. the language of the his friend his unformal more of a slang unsuiting the hotel reputation. this makes the whole atmosphere unrealistic and changes as it they tryign to change the way of how we as audience expect to see black ethnicty in terms of how and where. beside th efriend being very cheary and relaxed the worker doesnt seemed to be interested in the information being passed to him by his friend the medium shot helps to indentify both characters personality. then we get a close shot the worker which helps to understand his character deeply by hsi facial expressions. the worker seems to be very disturbved but hidies his emotion by afake smiel to hsi friend, he certainly doesnt seem to want to share his true feelings to him, this represents the idea of what is expected in a black ethnical background and his situation is perhaps not acceptable in his background.

moving on with a quick transition we see two maids in medium shot carrying a chemical cleanary materials in it. they stop by a hotel room and as they speak we hear one the maid say "Monsieur" this helps us to identify their ethnicity being of a french maid. this also helps to understand and what to expect of the characters. they both enter the room where an old aged orental is shwon setting in the bed with a very eager gesture and expression of hisd face however he doesnt say anything just sort sighnals thigs through his facial expressions. He then plays the stereo with french music and th emaid start to takign of their clothings slowly, presonifying the stereotypical of french maids beign seen as sexy and attractive. th eorental man represents a more wealthy representation of the eastern ethnicity. his specs symbolises this very well, he a business man, he can afford his luxaries and manly desires.

we move on to two formal dressed pupil one a femal whom is dressed in short push dress, with blond hai9r while th eman is in a syuit they walking down and the man is talking the lady which gives a hint that she th emain leader and in charge of the this hotel, the enter th ekitchen where two chefs are shwo one short and bold with mustaches and a typical flirty personality, and th eother tall and fat but lookign rather british typical stereotyped. the short man seems very confident in hsi skill and audience with agree as he is identify that his a italian chef again this shows represent the idea that italians are always seen as good cheifs and quite flirticious in personality. the other man however seems very grumpy and very rude in terms of language, he seems to not have any patience and gets straight to point, outspoken and loud.

the use camera, sound and mise en scene and editing helps us to explore the how ethnicity is represented aandin what ways. the tuitle it self symbolises a place called 'the tower of Bable' this was a place where people of many different idealogies lived togwether with different thoughts and beliefs, suimilary audience by end will niotice the sense of mixed moprality beign represnted in this clip.